PixelSnap 2 for Mac is a powerful tool designed to help users measure anything on their screen with ease and speed. It is particularly useful for UI engineers, designers, and developers who need to take precise measurements of screen elements. With its intuitive interface and fast performance, PixelSnap 2 can significantly enhance the workflow of its users.
- New Features:
+ Snappable guides
+ Hold distance on the screen
+ Multiple object measurement
+ CleanShot integration
+ Adobe XD integration
+ Screenshot tool for taking screenshots of measurements
+ Customize all shortcuts
+ Added onboarding tutorial
+ Touchbar support
+ Select object without snapping (with right drag)
+ Move rectangle by pressing space
+ Find dimensions by pressing dock icon
+ Mojave support
+ Downscale retina screenshots to 1x
+ Hide the icon from the menubar
+ Show/Hide units
+ Show/Hide cursor
+ Auto contrast
- Enhancements:
+ Completely rewritten from scratch
+ Much faster measurements
+ UI & UX improvements
+ Improved Sketch Integration
+ Improved Retina support