The CSV Importer for Your Application
The CSV importer is a powerful tool designed to streamline data importation for developers, allowing them to add CSV and Excel import capabilities to their applications in mere minutes. This tool is particularly helpful for developers looking to enhance their application's functionality with seamless data import features. By integrating this importer, developers can significantly improve the user experience of their applications.
- Support for Different File Formats: Import data from a variety of file formats, including CSV and XLSX.
- Automatic Column Mapping: The SDK automatically maps columns from the source file to the platform's data fields.
- Wide Choice of Built-in Validation Rules: Offers a range of validation rules to ensure data integrity.
- Custom Validation: Allows setting up custom validation to match specific business rules.
- Customizable UI: Customize the look and feel of the importer UI to fit the application's styles.
- Live Editing and Validation: Edit and validate data in real-time, with the capability to generate a complete page with a specific importer.
- Flexible Integration: Option to use a custom upload UI and then utilize the Rowslint importer SDK for data formatting and validation.
The CSV importer is a versatile and developer-friendly tool