Siter.io is a no-code website builder designed for creatives, allowing them to create fully responsive portfolios and landing pages directly in the browser. This tool is ideal for designers, marketers, and other creatives who want to bring their vision to life without needing to write code. With Siter.io, users can unlock their creative potential and craft websites in minutes.
The key features of Siter.io include:
- Freehand editor for creative freedom
- Intuitive design tools with familiar workflow and shortcuts
- Groups and layers for organizing design elements
- Animation settings with preset and custom options
- Code insertion for adding custom elements
- Unsplash integration for high-quality images
- Embed and local video support
- Intuitive interface for easy use
- Custom domain support with free domain option
- Design system for consistent styling
- Forms collection for collecting visitor data
- Import from Figma using the official plugin
- Real-time collaboration for team projects
- E-commerce support for creating online shopping experiences
- SVG editing for customizing vector graphics
Siter.io is a powerful no-code website builder that empowers creatives to bring their vision to life without needing to write code. With its intuitive interface, robust features,