Taildashboards is a collection of free, fully responsive, and carefully crafted one-page dashboards designed for web applications. These dashboards are perfect for developers and web designers looking for a solid starting point for their next web project. By utilizing Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js, Taildashboards offers a robust foundation for building efficient and visually appealing web apps.
- Built with Tailwind CSS 4 and Alpine.js 3
- Fully responsive design
- One-page dashboard templates
- Variety of dashboard templates available, including:
+ TailServer
+ TailDesk
+ Tailstats
+ TailBank
+ TailBox
+ TailLead
+ Tailism
+ TailChat
+ TailAdmin
+ TailApp
+ TailFlix
+ TailTube
Taildashboards offers a valuable resource for web developers and designers, providing a range of free, customizable, and responsive dashboard templates. With its robust features and regular updates, Taildashboards is an excellent starting point for any web project, allowing users to quickly and efficiently create professional-looking web applications.