UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework designed to help developers create fast and powerful web interfaces. This tool is particularly useful for web developers and designers looking to streamline their workflow and build responsive, user-friendly websites. By utilizing UIkit, developers can efficiently craft engaging web experiences.
The features of UIkit include:
- Accordion
- Alert
- Align
- Animation
- Article
- Background
- Badge
- Base
- Breadcrumb
- Button
- Card
- Close
- Column
- Comment
- Container
- Countdown
- Cover
- Description List
- Divider
- Dotnav
- Drop
- Dropbar
- Dropdown
- Dropnav
- Filter
- Flex
- Form
- Grid
- Heading
- Height
- Icon
- Iconnav
- Image
- Inverse
- Label
- Leader
- Lightbox
- Link
- List
- Margin
- Marker
- Modal
- Nav
- Navbar
- Notification
- Off-canvas
- Overlay
- Padding
- Pagination
- Parallax
- Placeholder
- Position
- Progress
- Scroll
- Scrollspy