Vue developers

The reverse job board for VueJS developers


Vue Developers is a reverse job board designed specifically for Vue.js developers, connecting them with their dream jobs and helping companies find their perfect match. This platform is ideal for Vue.js developers looking to explore new opportunities and for companies seeking skilled professionals in the field. By leveraging this platform, developers can showcase their skills and experience, while recruiters can efficiently find and connect with top talent.


  • Features for Developers:

+ Add your profile to the platform for free

+ Specify your preferred work type (Freelance, Employment, Remote, On-site, Part-time, Full-time)

+ Get quality contact from recruiters who are genuinely interested in your skills

+ Filter and adjust your profile to suit your needs

  • Features for Recruiters:

+ Access to a list of skilled Vue.js developers

+ Fast and efficient search and filtering of developer profiles

+ Affordable subscription-based model with no commission fees

+ Ability to find and connect with top talent in one place

  • Developer Profiles:

+ Showcase of skills and experience

+ Work type preferences

+ Technologies and frameworks expertise (e.g. Vue.js, Nuxt.js, React, TypeScript, etc.)

  • Registration:

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