
Plans start at $3 a month. 30-day Free Trial. All the Control and Features you love with no creepy surveillance. Stop paying for email with your privacy.

Email and Calendar Made Better


Fastmail is a fast, private email hosting service designed for individuals and businesses, providing a more productive and efficient way to manage emails, calendars, and contacts. This tool is perfect for those seeking an alternative to Gmail and iCloud, offering a secure and private experience. With its simple and intuitive interface, Fastmail helps users save time and stay on top of their emails and calendars.


The key features of Fastmail include:

  • Fast and private email hosting
  • Super fast performance
  • Great search functionality
  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Secure and private service with no ads or data mining
  • Personal support team available 24/7
  • No lock-in, allowing users to easily export their data
  • Mail, calendar, and contacts apps
  • Easy migration from other email services
  • Advanced security measures to protect user data
  • Contributions to open standards and open-source code, including the development of JMAP, a next-generation open sync protocol


Fastmail is an excellent alternative to traditional email and calendar services, offering a unique combination of speed, privacy, and security. With its user-friendly interface, advanced features, and commitment to open standards, Fastmail is an ideal choice for individuals

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