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An open-source solution that helps you build the sign-in, auth, and user identity within minutes.

Orion is the ultimate way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices. And it’s the fastest browser in existence.

Self-hosted, easy to use, lightweight, and performant file transfer solution built with privacy in mind (PHP Script software).

An offline-first personal Kanban app. Designed and developed so you can stay productive anywhere.

Self-hosted, easy to use, lightweight, and performant Uptime monitoring for websites & servers, Cron job monitoring & status pages (PHP Script software).

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Open Source Scheduling: Send a link and meet or build an entire marketplace for humans to connect.

Tutanota is the secure email service, built in Germany. Use encrypted emails on all devices with our open source email client, mobile apps & desktop clients.

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The only analytics tool that provides privacy-friendly website analytics and product analytics with pre-built reports. Turn user behavior into actionable insights.

Pirsch is a simple, privacy-friendly, open-source alternative to Google Analytics — lightweight, cookie-free.

Privacyboard helps you comply with GDPR in minutes so you can focus on what's really important for your business.

Squeaky's customer insights platform helps you understand exactly how customers are using your website or web app, without invading their privacy.

Privacy-focused website analytics from a sustainable company. A GDPR compliant, Google Analytics alternative.

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A Mac app to deploy your personal VPN in seconds, pay per use, no subscriptions.
A simplified and privacy-focused Google Analytics alternative. You own your data and your visitors' privacy is respected.

BlockSurvey is a private, secure, and anonymous way to get your audience involved in questionnaires, assessments, online forms, and surveys.

Protect your browser privacy while screen sharing, streaming, or browsing.

Lite Analytics is simple and lightweight Google Analytics alternative with. It is privacy focused and doesn't use cookies.

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Supercharge your Dropbox with Passdropit and Passdropit Pro! Adding Passdropit to your Dropbox or Google Drive account opens up lots of additional functionality, and can save you money. Sometimes you want a little more security and functionality. Add FREE passwords to your Dropbox links, plus get customized URLs, expiring links, download analytics, download notifications, and more...

A browser extension to help you find quality, independent wikis

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secure&private cloud storage solution with sharing, file requests, and transfers