Freedom Stack Boilerplate is a free full-stack starter kit designed to simplify the development process for web applications. It is particularly helpful for front-end designers and developers who want to build full-stack web apps without the hassle of configuring servers and databases. With Freedom Stack, developers can focus on the fun aspects of building apps, saving time, money, and headaches.
The following features are included in the Freedom Stack Boilerplate:
- Astro: The simplest web metaframework
- Alpine.js: Used for client-side interactivity
- HTMX: HTML over the wire
- daisyUI: Easy to use, built upon Tailwind
- Better Auth: Comprehensive TS auth framework
- Astro DB: An approachable database solution
- NodeMailer: Send emails easily via SMTP
- Preline UI: Included in the stack
- Easy deployment to Netlify
Freedom Stack Boilerplate is a powerful tool for developers who want to build full-stack web applications without the complexity of setting up databases and servers. With its intuitive features and ease of deployment, Freedom Stack empowers developers to focus on creating their visions and bringing their ideas to life. By using Freedom Stack, developers can enjoy a freeing and fun development experience, just like its creator,