Investor Bubble: Reddit Stock Tracker and Sentiment Analysis
Investor Bubble is a valuable tool for investors and financial enthusiasts, providing insights into the top and trending stocks discussed on subreddits like /r/Wallstreetbets, /r/Stocks, and /r/Options. This platform helps users save time by aggregating social media sentiment and presenting a clear picture of the sentiment surrounding a stock, which can influence stock prices. By leveraging Investor Bubble, users can make more informed investment decisions.
- Sentiment Score Determination: Utilizes advanced transformer models to analyze comment text and other relevant data, generating sentiment scores that range from -1 (very negative) to 1 (very positive).
- Information Gathering: Analyzes Reddit posts and comments mentioning specific stocks, using an AI-powered sentiment analysis algorithm to assess sentiment behind each comment.
- Update Frequency: The website is updated once a day, with plans to increase frequency in the future.
- Features:
- Tracks top and trending Reddit stocks.
- Provides sentiment scores for each stock.
- Offers top negative and positive comments for a better understanding of sentiment sources.
- Allows users to track trends by filtering through different time periods.
- Future