Smmall Cloud: Simple File Sharing
Smmall Cloud is a file sharing platform designed to help individuals and businesses share files with their audience while maintaining their custom branding. This tool is particularly useful for professionals, marketers, and content creators who need to share various types of files, such as videos, images, and documents, in a simple and clutter-free manner. By using Smmall Cloud, users can present their files in a professional and personalized way, making it ideal for those who value simplicity and branding.
The key features of Smmall Cloud include:
- File sharing with custom branding
- Support for various file types, including:
+ Videos with streaming capabilities
+ Images with retina graphics support
+ Screenshots with native markup tools (requires Mac app)
+ Markdown documents with full support
+ SVGs with previews in the browser
+ PDFs with quick sharing and preview capabilities
+ Audio files for music projects or podcasts
- Statistics on file views and viewer locations
- Profile pages featuring the user's brand with links to their websites and social media
- Emphasis on speed and simplicity for a clutter-free experience
Smmall Cloud offers a straightforward and efficient way