Sveltepack is the ultimate SvelteKit boilerplate designed to help indie hackers and entrepreneurs launch their startups quickly and efficiently. With Sveltepack, users can save time and minimize stress by eliminating repetitive work, allowing them to focus on building their product and getting it in front of customers. This boilerplate is perfect for those who want to test their ideas and launch their MVPs in record time.
The following features are included in Sveltepack:
- Auth:
+ Email registration and login
+ Forget password utility
+ Manage authentication state and protect routes
+ Ability to use multiple auth providers
- Integration with Supabase, saving up to 10 hours of development time
- Stripe Integration for easy payment processing
- Email & Support Integration for streamlined communication
- Hotswap Styling for easy customization
- Hosting Tutorial for easy deployment
- SEO & Blogs for improved online visibility
- Components, Animations & Sections for building a robust application
- Documentation and Lifetime Updates for ongoing support
Sveltepack is a game-changer for indie hackers and entrepreneurs looking to launch their startups quickly and efficiently. With its comprehensive set of features and integrations, Sveltepack saves users time and minimizes stress,