Discover the hottest tiny startups and get featured in front of 16k+ founders and indie makers. This platform is carefully curated by humans and updated daily, making it an ideal resource for entrepreneurs and startup enthusiasts looking to launch, share, and discover new and exciting startups. Whether you're a founder, maker, or simply interested in the startup scene, this platform is perfect for you.
Here are some of the featured startups and tools:
- Jotboard: A collaborative whiteboard and Google Jamboard alternative
- Unstuckd: Marketing therapy with pro marketers
- Storx: Open Source, trustless, censorship-resistant distributed cloud storage network
- Convo: AI-powered qualitative research platform
- Toolfolio: A collection of tools for startups
- Webtwizz: Effortless website creation for entrepreneurs and creators
- Podfy.ai: AI video generator
- Guidejar: AI-powered interactive demos
- ProjectionLab: Financial and retirement planning tool
- Templatery: Carrd and WordPress website templates
- Grit UI: Themed UI Kit for Framer
- W9 Form Sign Online: Generate, sign, and submit W-9 forms easily
- Ok Maven: Marketplace for forming short-term teams